Now Head of Design in GuavaPay, previously product designer at Pasha Bank

<aside> 🗣 I'm Digital Product Designer with 8 years experience and 4 years in digital transformation + Agile transformation. Interested in new technologies, music and video games. Love to work in cooperation with team. Let's do great products !





Last study cases

Salary Project Analysis and Flow

Optimal Club

Roof Academy

About me

I was born in 1989 and started attending high school in 1997. Graduated from BSU at the Faculty of Physics in 2012. Began to perform my first design works for printed materials while studying in the 11th grade. Posters, business cards, CD covers and other printed materials. Gradually, I began to get involved in web design and with the release of smartphones to the wide market, design of mobile applications.

In my free time I read a variety of literature for self development. I also like to watch movies and play video games and reviewing digital products to know about strong and weak sides. I believe that any media product provides a great experience in understanding design.

I have a complex approach to work on design. I investigate persons, try to understand their needs, create an empathy map and user flow. I believe that the product, first of all, should work well and meet the needs of the business.

I think that great products come from collaboration with other people. For this reason, I believe that Agile Methodology is ideal for working on a digital product.


<aside> 💡 UX, UI, A/B Testing, User Interview, Prototyping, User Flow, CJM, Analytics, Accessibility, Design System Managing


Let’s Connect

☎ I'm on **facebook** , on linkedin, also you can find me on instagram , **twitter** and medium.